

wingspan : 19 mm

Arzecla taminella resembling, 11 km South of Tena, Lago Agrio, Garzacocha.

the female above, a well as the four butterflies below, do not look like any species illustrated on BoA except taminella, but their yellow bands are much wider than those of the taminella types ? and also these four specimens are far from being identical to each other, and it looks like there are differences on the legs and on the antennae that go beyond individual variations within a given species ?


Arzecla taminella (?) al río Tena
Arzecla taminella (?) en el sendero de Oliverio
Arzecla taminella (?) a Garzacocha
Arzecla taminella (?) cerca de Lago Agrio
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