


wingspan : 74 mm

Megoleris orestilla, Cosanga, la Bonita

on the first two bottom pictures a male is seen sequestering pyrrolizidine alkaloids from decaying asteraceous flowers.

it should be noted that, on the two set specimens, male and female (from Loreto road and Pimpilala respectively), on the underside, the HW cell is sort of enclosed in an orangish brown rim, which is not the case for any specimen on the bottom pictures, and for any other Megoleria orestilla that we found in Ecuador Central and Southern Oriente either - there is no such rim on the BM(NH) type.

it cannot help but be observed that this difference, rim or no rim, is exactly what distinguish ssp cyrene and solida of Oleria cyrene ?

Megoleris orestilla cerca de Cosanga
Megoleris orestilla cerca de Cosanga
Megoleris orestilla cerca de Cosanga
Megoleris orestilla cerca de Cosanga
Megoleris orestilla cerca de Cosanga
Megoleris orestilla cerca de Cosanga
Megoleris orestilla cerca de Cosanga
Megoleris orestilla cerca de Archidona
Megoleris orestilla cerca de Archidona
Megoleris orestilla cerca de Archidona
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