

wingspan :

West and South of Baeza, on the slopes of the Antisana volcano, at an elevation of 1900/2200 meters, flies a form of Altinote (hilaris ?) desmiala remarkable for the extent of the reddish orange colour on the FW, and for the size of the light coloured HW area.

we never saw this form, but there is a specimen at the University Museum in Cracow, collected at 1900 meters near Baeza, and several in the Warren-Gash collection, taken on las Caucheras track, 2100 m, near Cosanga in 2011.

Andrew Neild took a picture of this butterfly in 2014 at the Jatuntinahua bridge, between Baeza and Papallacta, and so did David Geale and Liu Chun Yi at Yanayacu in 2018 ; and, in March 2024, Steven Mirick saw this peculiar specimen at Yanayacu.

see the Warren-Gash collection specimens on the new facts page.

see :

Altinote desmiala al puente Jatuntinahua
Altinote desmiala a Yanayacu
Altinote desmiala a Yanayacu
Altinote desmiala cerca de Papallacta
Altinote desmiala a Yanayacu
una forma rara de Altinote desmiala a Yanayacu

Warren-Gash collection

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